The ELASTO-Q-MAT initiative, embodied by this CRC/TRR 288, has the goal to understand, advance, and exploit new physical phenomena emerging from a particularly strong coupling between a material's elasticity and its electronic quantum phases. To this end, we will study the effects of elastic tuning and elastic response of various types of electronic order in representative classes of quantum materials that share a high sensitivity to intrinsic strain or externally applied stress fields.
News & Announcements
We are pleased to announce the TRR 288 Special Seminar on 03.04.25, 14:00 at GU Frankfurt and via Zoom.
Speaker: Peng Xiong (Florida State University), Title: "Polarization of Electron Spin and Orbitals from Structural Chirality"
We are pleased to announce the TRR 288 Special Seminar on 13.02.25, 15:00 via zoom.
Speaker: Jingyuan Xu (KIT), Title: "Advancing Elastocaloric Cooling: From Micro-Scale to Macro-Scale Systems"